Wrist Tendonitis And Tennis Elbow RSI - Getting Worse
by Trevor
(Calgary, Canada)
I sit at a desk for a large part of the day and use computer programs that require intense periods of activity involving moving the mouse around and clicking.
I have found in the past few months, due to an unusually busy time, the back of my right forearm has started to ache. It is much worse after work and is almost gone after a non-computer long weekend.
Lately I have also been experiencing pain in my elbow and shoulder even when not using the computer.
I have re-arranged my desktop to make the keyboard and mouse lower but lately, when not busy, I just use my left hand to operate the mouse on my left side just to give the right side a rest.
I am a strong swimmer and swim every other day. I can't say I feel better or worse for swimming but I need the exercise for my mental sanity and would not want to cut it out. I also am very active generally especially with my young daughter.
So what's best for me? An arm brace? some stretches? ice? not using my right arm?. I guess I should go to a Physio but I haven't had the time.
Thanks for any advice,
Joshua Answers:
Hi Trevor.
1. Here's some
good thoughts on ergonomics.
2. Makes sense, that it's shoulder to wrist, for a variety of predictable reasons. That's just how
Tendonitis works.
Swimming is good. Start doing a lot of backstroke. Plenty to say there, but start doing more backstroke (I'm assuming that you don't.
3. Not using your right arm really isn't an option...I like the 'Let's fix it' option.
4. How do you fix it?
A. Get
The Tennis Elbow Treatment That Works and the ebook that comes with it.
B. More backstroke.
C. Read the above ergonomics page.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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