Elbow Tendonitis, 24 year old male and never been able to straighten elbows
by Jeff
(Austin, TX)
I'm a 24 year old male who has never been injured but have always wondered my arms don't full extend(they never have since i can remember).
For example if i put my arms straight out in front of me and make fist and touch my fist together there is about a 1.5-2ft gap between my elbows.
There are times random times where 1 elbow or both will be even worse and i cant even get it half way extended it actually hurts now this is rare it happens maybe once a month at most but i don't understand it.
I talked to a doctor once and he took test for something not sure what it was blood test and said he found nothing unusual.
But this also happens in other joints too at random like my wrist will be really tender and sore or my knees but like i said the pain is rare maybe like 1 time a month at most usually even less then that.
Joshua Answers:Hi Jeff.
Well....we all have gaps when putting our hands out like that.
In general, if you straighten you elbow in any position, does it not get to a straight position?
If it's always been like that, I'm not so worried about it unless
I hear something that changes my mind.
The pain and tenderness that comes and goes, that i'm interested in.
1. Have you always had this pain?
2. Did the doctor say you had
Tendonitis or
Elbow Tendonitis3. Is it a tenderness, an ache, a pain, etc? How bad, how often?
4. How's your overall health.
5. You a stout, muscley guy, or a skinny, scrawny guy?
6. Overall flexibility. Are you not very flexible? (Some people are too stretchy, some people aren't stretchy at all.)
7. Family health? Anything going on? Anybody else have the elbow thing?
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
----------------------- Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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