Knots and crunch sound in quad tendons and knees
by rich jayne
(lansing ny usa)
My knees make crunching sounds.
As well you can hold your finger on the quad tendons and when you flex knees you can feel snapping knot like bumps that seem to stick and snap loose.
Hard to explain.
Anyway I have had serious trouble with quad tendon pain the last year. To the point where cannot stand up from chair without using arms to push.
Joshua Answers:Hi Rich.
Hmmm. Interesting.
I'm going to throw some stuff at you, and whatever makes sense for you, try it out.
1. Could be calcification. See my
Calcific Tendonitis page for reference.
This tends to be from Magnesium Deficiency. Read my
Magnesium for Tendonitis page and then my Kerri's
Magnesium Dosage page.
Start supplementing as described, stay at your tolerance level for a couple months, and see what happens.
2. Most everybody in the US is Vitamin D deficient. Probably not the primary issue, but Vitamin D levels could absolutely be playing a role here.
Get your Vitamin D level checked. Then get your Vitamin D levels up asap.
Having a hard time getting up out of a chair is actually one of the side effects of Vitamin D deficiency (though this is usually more from weakness than the pain you describe). Check out the Vitamin D pages on Kerri's
www.easy-immune-health.com3. Pretty much any time there's Quad pain, it's a safe bet to look at Patellar Femoral Syndrome.
I don't deal much with the muscle balance side of things with knees, so I'm going to point you to my friend Barton's
You may want to get
this ebook about hip tightness and muscle balance and how it causes patellar tendonitis and quad tendon issues. My Kerri historically had a lot of constant, ongoing patella/quad tendon pain, she did the exercises and presto, no
pain. Now she occasionally has to do them to keep herself out of pain.
The body just doesn't work with singluarity. It's more likely that ALL of the above factors are at play, probably more. But let's start with that.
If I were to investigate more, I would ask these questions:
A. Is it tendons making the crunching noise, or is it the knee joint?
B. Tendon pain, or joint pain?
C. History of injury?
D. Why might this have started happen in the last year?
E. History of being athletic?
F. Any big life changes the last few years?
G. Overall health?
H. Age?
I. Any other problems?
Answers to the above questions won't change my earlier suggestions, but I always like more information.
Answer the above, keep me updated, and as always, more questions, more answers.
Joshua Answers: ----------------------
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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