Pain around elbow for about 5 months now
by Ali
(los angeles)
Hey Joshua, I've been having pain around both my elbows for about 5 months now. I'm a 20 year old guy. It all started rite after new years I wanted to get back in good shape as my new years resolution and in the first week of lifting weights I felt an extreme pain in my elbows when I was doing tricep extension.
I had just finished working out my chest doing bench press, incline and decline too. After i started doing tricep extension and when I was done, I felt like a shocking pain. I read your page and knew it was tendonitis.
The pain is towards mostly my inner elbow like where the funny bone is, and a little towards my outer elbow, but it just feels like its all over my elbow. also alot above the elbow where the tricep and elbow connect.
after the pain started I ignored it thinking it would go away, but didnt work out my tricep or benchpress because it would hurt, basically anything that would put too much pressure on my elbow.
so i went to the doctor and all he told me was to rest it, its only stressed muscle..nothing else. so looking at him like hes crazy I listened because i didnt know what to do. so after that I just started to do mostly cardio workouts such as the treadmill and jogging.
So its been 5 months now since i've actually lifted weights or even had any kind of workout. and the pain is still there when i try to do any kind of excercise but no pain when i just relax all day.
I cant even do a few pushups now because it hurts my elbows and before i used to be able to
do like 50 pushups and 4 sets of them. same thing with pullups. ive read all other peoples problem but nothing really matched what I had.
I've also tried icing it here and there but still hurts a bit when i try to work it out. It just feels really weak.
So Joshua please I need to find a way to get back in shape and start doing my workouts without this annoying pain, especially because I really want to start boxing which is one of my favorite sports instead of just sitting here helplessly.
Joshua Comments:Hi Ali.
Well, if you want to get into boxing and deal with this
Tendonitis dynamic, you're going to have to go after a fix with more determination and frequency than 'here and there.'
What Is Tendonitis? So,
1. what are you actually doing to get this better, other than rest and occasional icing?
2. Are you (your joints) hypermobile at all? Can you touch your thumb to your wrist? When you straighten your arm, does your elbow joint go past a straight line?
3. When you say 'icing here and there', what exactly does that mean?
4. What does an overall day of eating look like for you, specifically?
5. Do you have any other
Tennis Elbow Symptoms and/or
Wrist Tendonitis Symptoms?
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert