Shin Splint Symptoms

Shin Splint Symptoms, like all Tendonitis, share similar symptoms.

If you're read the pages about Tendonitis and Inflammation you can probably guess what most of the Shin Splints Symptoms are.

If you have Shin Splints, you KNOW what the symptoms of Shin Splints are.

But aside from the similarities with other 'types' of tendonitis, Tibialis Anterior Tendonitis has a unique component that makes the pain SPECIAL and hard to get rid of (unless you know how).

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Shin Splint Symptoms
Include The Following

Mild to Severe pain when walking, running, or even just flexing and extending your ankle/foot.

As you move and contract your shin muscles, your nervous system reads

1. Pain enhancing chemicals released by Inflammation.

2. Too much fluid in the area, trapped by Inflammation.

3. Muscles that are WAY too tight.

This equals the sensation of pain.

Painful to the touch.

As you touch your tissue your nervous system reads

1. Pain enhancing chemicals released by Inflammation.

2. Too much fluid in the area, trapped by Inflammation.

3. Muscles that are WAY too tight.

This equals the sensation of pain.

Swollen, tight tissue on and around the shin.

Inflammation has trapped fluid in the area, what we call 'swelling'. Think of your shin as a balloon getting overfilled with fluid.

If you have severe shin splints or have taken a hit/blow to the shin, you can get Anterior Compartment Syndrome.

This is when your balloon keeps filling and literally can't let any fluid out. This can be a serious problem, and surgery is the common and necessary for ACUTE compartment syndrome.

It literally 'pops the balloon' to release the build up of pressure in the connective tissue layers of your shin.

The pain lessens as the day goes on and you 'warm up'.

When you get out of bed in the morning, you are metabolically 'cold. Which is a technical way of saying that you and your tissue aren't 'warmed up' yet.

I like to think about it like this.

When you jump out of bed in the morning, you are a dry, crunchy sponge.

As you move around and warm up, you become more like a wet, squishy sponge.

This is a vital concept for people suffering from Plantar Fasciitis.

It's not the whole story though. Keep reading till you find out the SECRET cause of Shin Splint Symptoms!

You're suffering from Shin Splint Symptoms.

Imagine you're sitting around in front of the tv or at work, and you get up and start walking around, or maybe go for a jog and start to increase the use of your shin structure.

So it's kind of dry and crunchy, and you go jumping up and down on it.


The body does not like that, and with everything else it has going on with the shin splints, you will feel pain.

As you move around on it more, it gets more circulation, more blood and nutrition going to it.

Your Shin Structure warms up, becomes more and more like a wet, squishy sponge.

This gets Pain Enhancing Chemical out, old fluid out, and gets new oxygen to the muscles. The nervous system likes all this, and will have less pain triggers to report to you as the sensation of pain.

That is why pain goes away as you move around.

But as you likely know, it can quickly go the OTHER direction.

The pain increases drastically and immediately if you try to run 'through the pain'.

So, if you're just sitting around in front of the tv, or at work, and all of a sudden you start jogging or running, your shin structure is not 'warmed up'.

Instantly your too tight muscles contract over and over, constrained and compressed by all the extra fluid trapped in the area.

Your nervous system gets a flood of information as it notices all the Pain Enhancing Chemical floating around, all the irritant, all the tightness, all the uncontrolled motion and potential damage that can happen to you, it's body and....

....your nervous system FREAKS OUT!

Notice how you start running and all of a sudden you have severe, sharp pain that stops you from jogging/running?

That's not damage (ok, there's microtrauma), that's the nervous system freaking out and STOPPING you so that you don't damage yourself even more.

The nervous system is just doing it's best to protect you. Don't be mad at it, it's just doing it's job to the best of it's ability.

You just have to know how to work with your nervous system's protective mechanism, and then you can quickly heal from most any injury and continue to perform activity as you like to.

Experience little to no pain when just sitting around and staying off the leg.

When you aren't moving, or are performing easy movement, the nervous system doesn't really pick up any of the pain enhancing chemical, so it, and you, don't 'feel' pain.

The structure is exactly the same whether you are moving or not, it's just a matter of Pain Enhancing Chemical, Inflammation, Tightness, and the nervous system watching over you to keep you safe.

Here's the Secret Cause of Shin Splint Symptoms!

Periostitis. Yup. Periostitis.

What is Periostitis? Periostitis is inflammation of the layer of connective tissue that wraps bone. Ever eat BBQ rips, and peel that layer of connective tissue tightly wrapping the bone, off the bone?

That's what's happening on your shin bone. TIGHT muscles and connective tissue are pulling at that tight wrapping. It doesn't hurt if you're just sitting there, but it's HIGHLY irritable.

So the second you take off and start running.....OUCH!

Your Pain Causing Dynamic gets in there and grabs deep, to the bone itself. And it's all downhill from there.

The good news, is, Periostitis SOUNDS bad. And it's painful. But once you learn how to reverse the process that's making it hurt, it's not that big a deal.

The important bit to understand is that you have Tendonitis AND Periostitis. And ultimately, while they are VERY interrelated, you're experiencing Shin Splint Symptoms and Periostitis symptoms.

* Shin Splint Symptoms can also include:

  • shooting pain
  • constant ache
  • pulsating pain (correlating to your heart beat)
  • tingling and/or itchiness.

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Do You Have Shin Splint Symptoms?

Well, then you probably have Shin Splints.

If you do, then you're probably interested in an effective Shin Splint Treatment.

If you don't have Shin Splints, or you just have the beginnings of shin splint symptoms, you will need to decide which page is better for you, the Shin Splint Treatment page, and/or the Prevent Shin Splints page.

And if you just want a complete no-nonsense plan for how to get rid of Anterior Shin Splints pain and symptoms, then go to the Reversing Shin Splints page.

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Reversing Achilles Tendonitis ebook cover
Reversing Shin Splints ebook cover

Plantar Fasciitis Treatment That Works DVD cover