Tendonitis in both my achilles & right arm - could this be dietary related?
by CJ
(Kent, UK)
I've been suffering from achilles tendonitis for over a year now (approx 15 months) and have also got tendonitis in my right arm, which started about 4 months ago. I also suffer from Carpal Tunnel in both wrists.
I have just turned 35 and do not do any excercise other than walk to and from the office (approx 15/20 minutes each way) to access public transport. I am not a member of a gym. The only other excercise I get is in general day to day activites ie grocery shopping etc.
All research I have done relating to tendonitis talks about the cause being down to extra excercise or new excercise regimes.
I am a vegetarian and I was wondering if tendonitis could be caused through lacking something in my diet. I was wondering if you could advise?
My History:
I have seen 4 doctors, 2 of which didn't diagnose the condition. I was living abroad for 9 months and while I was I paid for physio twice a week and this helped with the achilles immensely.
Mainly the massaging of my calves, however the benefits only lasted a couple of days if that. Now I'm back home and I am no longer seeing a physio, although I am on a waiting list. The pain is back and is severe.
It's getting to the point that I cannot continue with the excercises given to me by the physio as it is too painful. The pain is with me 100% of the time, even when sitting down. When walking (shuffling; I cannot bend my ankles properly) the pain intense and getting upstairs or the slightest gradient is extremely painful.
Prior to getting the condition in my achilles I noticed that I was quite flat footed in the mornings and couldn't walk properly first thing after getting up. I was like this for months, if not a year and again the doctors I saw came up with nothing. My blood tests and x-rays were clear.
The day the tendonitis struck in both achilles was when I tried to get off the coach I get home from work, in July 08. I'd been fine all day (I had been at work). I work in an office and am either at my desk, out at a client or in meetings, so mainly desk driven) and I'd got on the coach without a problem. The journey takes approximately 1.5 / 2 hours.
When I tried to get up, my ankles just wouldn't work! The pain was excruciating. I had to be helped off the coach! The following day I could barely walk. I consulted my doctor and I was sent for more blood tests & X-Rays. I was prescribed diclofenac in both tablet form and gel. The tablets didn't seem to make the slightest difference (I had 2 prescriptions worth), although the gel was / is soothing.
As the pain continued and I had taken the courses of anti
inflammatories (diclofenac) I saw another doctor and he didn't give me anything and said he'd refer me to the physio, however by this time I was moving countries, so I couldn't go on the waiting list.
I moved (Nov 08) and saw a doctor abroad approx 5 months later. During this time I was still in pain and struggling to walk. As way of explaining to you; people were commenting on my limping and asking what I'd done.
April 09 I saw a new doctor and he diagnosed me with achilles tendonitis. I was referred to a physio and started my sessions at the beginning of May 09. She said my condition was acute and was shocked at my lack of mobility. She also told me I have shin splints, which I still have but I do not experience as much pain as with the tendonitis. My last session with the physio was the 1st week of Aug 09. I am now finding it hard to walk and even driving is beginning to become an issue.
The pain in my right arm started in June 09. My physio believed it was due to me working so hard and stress. She thought it might relate to my using a mouse at work (I'm in IT), however I am left handed (mouse included)! I did have physio on my arm, but it has just got worse.
I have done some research and have even resorted to healing. Please tell me you can help!
Kind regards
'Constantly in Pain!'
Joshua Answers:Hi CJ.
Constant pain is NO fun.
It's great that you have gotten some diagnoses for Tendonitis and Carpal Tunnel, and shin splints, but that doesn't tell you -why- you have them.
I think your intuition is correct. I absolutely do think that it is nutritional.
Some questions first:
1. How long have you been vegetarian?
2. Are you a good vegetarian or a bad vegetarian? Describe your general diet.
3. Do you have any digestive issues?
4. How are your energy levels?
5. Taken any Levaquin or Cipro antibiotics in the past few years?
6. Describe the Achilles Tendonitis pain and symptoms, in detail.
7. How bad is the Carpal Tunnel, how bad is the shin splints?
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
Tendonitis Treatment That Works DVD's


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