Thank God If You've Never Had a Nerve Conduction Test
by Elena
I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 2009. One thing the rheumatologist wanted was a nerve conduction test. I was still working and had great insurance which is one of the only criteria to getting this torture done to you, rest assured.
Since it was an arm-involved fibromyalgia pain, they stuck me with needles that stung worse than acupuncture needles. Then they proceeded to add electrodes to conduct electricity (or some electrical pulse) at different points on my arms. Well, already having arm pain and then being shocked for varying intervals in different spots hurt like expletive.
This idiot of a doctor asked me, "did that hurt?" "it's not supposed to hurt?".
I asked him, after he said he's been doing these tests for 20 years (on dear soles who suffered from MS b/c that was a main clientele of the practice), if he had ever experienced this test he knew did not hurt. He said, "no". So, of course, I told him "then you really cannot say it does not hurt, can you?". I left the appointment with him still mystified that the procedure hurt.
Insult to injury, for all the pain and the tears I shed from the pain the test caused, his report showed no nerve damage. That process exacerbated my pain significantly and shed NO light on my condition.
Joshua Answers:Hi Elena.
Fibromyalgia is a label doctors use that means "We have no idea what's wrong with you."
That's the bad news.
The good news is that most 'fibromyalgia' is due to nutritional deficiency and the negative factors of being short on various nutrients over time.
Gluten intolerance is a major factor, that leads to inflammation and nutritional deficiency.
Gluten in an inflammatory agent, it irritates your guts, and gives you
Process of
Inflammation and
Leaky Gut.
Lack of nutrients and inflammation due to poor intake and Leaky Gut causes the body to perform poorly: poor detoxification, lowered immune response, adrenal fatigue, high cortisol levels and inability to deal with stress (literally), poor healing, increased pain response, increased inflammation, etc.
For a more in depth conversation, go see Kerri's
In short:
Get your Vitamin D level checked and then get it to between 50-80 ASAP.
Get as much Magnesium into you and onto you as possible. Hot Epsom Salt baths, and see:
Magnesium Dosage.
Vitamin B12 is required for your detoxification pathways, and plays a role in nerve pain/problems.
Go ENTIRELY off of ALL gluten for 60 days. This is an easy and healthy food habit anyway.
Tendonitis doesn't need a nerve conduction test. Neither does fibromyalgia.
They can be good to rule out some medical issues,granted. But as you say, if insurance didn't pay for them.....
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
Tendonitis Treatment That Works DVD's


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