Wrist Tendinitis due to weight lifting is not going away
by Suke
(San Diego, California, United States)
Hi, I came across your website and I find it really useful so Thank you. My doctor said that I have wrist tendinitis and he told me to take an anti-inflammatory for 5 days which I did. I did not ice it that frequently, but I did some of the stretches and exercises a week after I got the injury. Now almost a month later, my wrist hurts even more than it did before.
I am 19 years old and I believe I got this from curling with a straight bar and benching heavy with my wrists not locked. This is for my left wrist.
If I face my palm up, the wrist/arm is swollen for a length of approximately 3 inches.It hurts right below the palm and around that general area.
Keeping my wrists unlocked makes it worse (picking up a jug of water, opening a door sometimes). Basically, moving my wrist with weight hurts. My goal is to get back to lifting.
Joshua Answers:Hi Suke.
If you want to get back to lifting, then you better figure out how to fix this, no?
The good news is, you're young. Youth goes a long way.
The bad news is, you're young and hurting. So, something's out of whack.
Partly it's bad lifting technique. That strains the body a certain way, and you're irritating your structures faster than your body can make up for it.
That's how
Tendonitis works.
What Is TendonitisIt's all about the
Pain Causing Dynamic; thigs get tight, they stay tight, they get tighter, connective tissue shrink wraps, a
Process of Inflammation kicks in, etc.
Then you're stuck in a pain dynamic.
When you're young,
Rest my help but I wouldn't rely on it. Sounds like that would be a bad strategy in your case, as you want to stay active.
Rest is always a bad strategy, realistically.
Anti-inflammatory drugs like Ibuprofen never fix tendonitis pain. They're ok to get you through a day, but
when doctor prescribes that s/he's really just hoping that the pain goes away all by itself. But it doesn't, so back you come for another office visit, sooner or later.
You definitely want to learn
How To Reduce Inflammation. You may or may not have any actual rip and tear damage (microscopically, maybe), but you absolutely have irritation and pain enhancing chemical from inflammation.
Then of course there's the nutritional components, which due to today's food situation, and the stereotypical diets of 'kids these days' I put high on the list of important factors for you.
I can give you a couple tips, like learning how to reduce wrist tendonitis inflammation and
Magnesium for Tendonitis, but of course I'm biased for a complete plan of attack as you'll find in my
Reversing Wrist Tendonitis ebook.
Having said that, I have a few questions:
1. Where exactly does it hurt?
2. When does it hurt? Always, or just when you're lifting?
3. Hurt a lot, hurt a little? Sharp, dull, aching, shooting, etc?
4. What exactly have you been doing to help it get better, if anything?
5. Are there some activities that hurt it and some that don't? Or does all movement hurt it?
6. Overall diet?
7. Sleep habits?
8. Overall health?
9. History of injury?
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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