Achilles Tendonosis Surgery and Bone Spur Debridement, happy and ready to do it again
by Diane
I suffered pain for years from achilles tendonosis and haglund's deformity. (reactive bone growth in my heal from all the inflammation in my tendon) Plus heel spurs added to the pain. I had seen several orthopedic surgeons and 2 podiatrists who all recommended stretching, physical therapy and anti-inflammatories.
I've tried orthotics in my shoes until the bone growth didn't allow me to wear tennis shoes.
Walking barefoot or on uneven surfaces was literally impossible from the stabbing pain. I could only wear slip on shoes with a 1 to 2" heel to take the pressure off my heel pain. The pain was never-ending. i used to be an active tennis player and walker and now I could barely walk the dog.
I finally found a board certified foot and ankle orthopedic surgeon who gave me hope. January 2010 I had heel debridement surgery along with an achilles tendon transfer and lengthening. The surgery was outpatient -- it lasted 1 1/2 hours.
I can honestly say I have had NO pain since the my calf muscle feels a little tight, and I'm still working on single toe raises to build up the muscle. The surgeon removed a golf ball sized bone from me heel and described my achilles tendon as "mush." He said my tendon was basically shredded and that he was shocked by all the inflammation and the size of the heel growth.
He took a tendon from my foot and reattached it to the achilles tendon and then further up my calf he put a small notch in the tendon to help lengthen it. Yes, rehab was long -- 8 weeks no weight bearing. A life saver was using a roll-about knee walker that gave me mobility and kept my hands free...crutches are so limiting.
1 week in a splint, 7 weeks in a cast, then I progressed to a boot. Once I was
in the boot I started physical therapy -- stretching and re-learning the correct way to walk.
I am getting ready to have surgery on the other leg in a few weeks. While I don't relish crawling up the stairs at home and being dependent on others to drive me places, I am anxious to be pain free. I will never be a basketball player or marathon runner, but I anticipate being able to walk long distances and be able to wear shoes with backs in them again.
Joshua Answers:Hi Diane.
Thanks for sharing!
I'm glad the surgery's helped so far, so fast.
I'm curious how the new tendon grows/strengthens Achilles tendon. Definitely do keep stretching the muscle and connective tissue of the lower legs.
Did the doctors say anything about
Achilles Tendonitis, or was it a specifically a case of
It sounds like your structures, and the ecology of your structures, was pretty far along. Golf ball sized bone bone growth? Wow!
If you have the time and energy and inclination, please keep us updated as this goes along, I think that would be helpful and informative for a lot of people.
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----------------------- Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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