Ankle, knee and thigh tendonitis after bad climbing accident
by AnonymusE
pain at top front of ankle
pain at back lateral side of lower leg
pain at front lateral side of lower leg
Pain at Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine
I found your website about a couple weeks ago. I was in a crisis, a tendinitis crisis.
I studied around for a few days and decided to try your "ice-therapies," not because the ice
but because your ecological approach. And besides your generosity and clarity.
(my english not good)
So here I am, a week after I started with your method and wow!, Thank You!! not crisis now
but still with a great challenge ahead of me.
Let me tell you what did i do. I dipped my whole left foot in icy water 10-10-2hrs-7days.
And did some frozen water bottle massage to the anterior,tibial peroneal tendons.
I used ice packs in my left knee, twice a day, two periods.I did some frozen bottle massage
after the ice to the inner side ligaments and tendons in that area. (i guess its the tibial
collateral ligament, the one on the inner side of the left knee joint.)
And third, I used frozen gel packs in the area of the upper outer thigh. I dont know the name
of this ligament but i include here some graphics, one of the small ligament that attaches
that muscle to the proximal latera (outter) side of femur.
All of them have improved slowly but surely.
What happend there? Of course. 35 years ago i had a climbing accident. Paraplegic and (7th
dorsal compression) and left ankle badly broken and left femur also broken in two segments.
Surgery in the spine, in the ankle (both sides were opened and lots of metalware were left there,
they all were taken out latter, but the whole area was subjected to tremendous injury and scar
tissue formation because of surgeries). Femur recieved an metal rod, one that hurted my upper
femur atachment point of that muscle i mentioned).
So I recovered. In six months i saw my right leg ended semiparalized, 50 %.
My left leg showed no neuro-motor affectation, but with severe fractures and a shortening
of 3/8th". I use a compensation in the shue.
I didnt use any stick 18 months latter.
Two years ago i returned to the stick.
And two weeks ago i got two crutches, and i still use them.
So its been 35 years of compensation patterns. Cronich injuries and bad healing
that left scar tissue and adherences.(calcaneus tendon
is not so damaged).
My problem is clear, lots of tendonosis and some tendonitis.
So here i am, much better but still needing to improve on little pains and a lot on
weak tendons.
So if you please, i would very much appreciate your advice.
ps.I´m on d3 ( 5000iu/day), b6, mg, and c-500 twice a day.
I eat fine, eggs, fish, vegetables, green salads, vegetables, fruits, nuts,etc.
ppss. Ha, i am a man, 57, and I am 5' 3", 100 pounds.
Joshua Answers:Hi AnonymusE.
No worries. Your English is plenty good.
'Slowly but surely'. That's exactly how icing operates. It creates circulation, which does a variety of good things. It's not necessarily a fix, but icing lowers pain levels, brings new blood and nutrition to the area, gets waste product and irritant out.
And that's good for the body on a variety of levels.
You have a lot of constant trigger to keep the
Process of Inflammation going strong. The more circulation you can get, the better (I often wish I could keep a bathtub full of ice going constantly. Do that several times a day, over time.....super good for the body.)
Food intake looks good. In general I'd suggest more protein.
So let me ask some questions here so I have a better picture.
1. How paralyzed were you? Totally.
2. You had surgery and things have gotten better. Now things are getting worse again?
If so, pain is getting worse, yes?
If so, is loss of motor function getting worse?
Loss of sensation getting worse?
3. All the metal has been removed?
4. How much Magnesium are you taking? How much B6?
5. Why do you think that you have lots of
Tendonosis in addition to
What Is TendonitisI've got some suggestions for you, but answer the above questions first.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
Tendonitis Treatment That Works DVD's


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