have golfers elbow 16 almost 17 years old (very critical)
by Alec T.
(santa barbara, california , united states)
i am a 16 year old competitive tennis player at a national level with golfers elbow, i play 5-6 days a week or more(did before tendonitis).
i played and lifted weights a lot. i have not played tennis for three months and only worked out a little. it is not getting any better i am getting desperate(will ruin my tennis scholarship).
i have read about your ice treatment and i am planning on using it but i dont understand what it does. also my dad is distinguished physical therapist and we have his ultasound machine that he can use will this help.
also i have been considering an injection but i am hesitant because i dont want to mask any problem however if i decrease inflammation would i stop the vicious cycle that you explained and my dad explained (you and my dad said the same thing) and get back to life.
do you have any suggestions beyond the ice.
Please write back
Hey there Alec.
Rest will not help you at this point, as the last three months has proven.
A corticosteroid injection -may- reduce the pain, but your
Pain Causing Dynamic will not be reversed by a shot.
Maybe it will decrease inflammation in a way you mentioned your dad and I explain, but in my experience of working with people that have had the shots....they don't.
Once you have
Tendonitis entrenched in your system, rest and anti-inflammatory drugs just aren't going to help how you want them to.
What Is Tendonitis? Sure, everything works on a Bell Curve, and -some- people will get relief....but if you are one of those people, and keep playing tennis competitively, it will come back.
Ultrasound, in my experience, isn't likely to help your specific situation. Maybe it totally works for some people and I just end up working on the people that it doesn't help at all.
Certainly feel free to try it out. If you have access to it, use it!
I'm curious if your father has a treatment plan for you. I don't want to interfere there, and, I'm just going to interact with you like you are in my office.
I think it's great you want to learn and understand. Excellent.
Keep bugging me until
you have it straight in your head.
Here's my suggestions:
1. Get
'The Tennis Elbow Treatment That Works' This explains the mechanism, and the activities to apply to Golfers Elbow and/or Tennis Elbow (same thing, different sides of the forearm).
It won't win me any Oscars, but if you follow the suggestions, you will get results.
This is a tool you can/will use the rest of your career to avoid being disabled by Tendonitis again, and I'll help you fine tune it for your exact needs.
It's a base of knowledge that we will work from (and will save me a lot of typing here).
2a. I bet you a dollar that your nutrition intake is not a match for your activity level.
Increase your Magnesium intake as described on my Kerri's
Magnesium Dosage page.
2b. Increase your nutrient intake with
Bone Broth. You can do that through other means if you want to deal with a bunch of different bottles and supplements, but it's tough to beat this food.
3. Start ice dipping now as described on the
How To Reduce Inflammation page.
Understand later. And, the doing will help you understand.
In other words, take action, you will get some results experience, and then when I explain and/or you re-read the
Process of Inflammation and Pain Causing Dynamic information, your brain will make the connections.
And as always, ask more questions, get more answers.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
Tendonitis Treatment That Works DVD's


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