I'm 20 and I'm getting tendinitis everywhere
by Phylicia
A few of months ago I started developing what I thought was carpal tunnel in my dominant hand.
It started with pain in just one finger, then spread up through my wrist and elbow. I let it rest for a couple weeks and eventually the pain went away. A couple weeks ago, the pain returned on my right side. My fingers developed a grayish tint and were very swollen looking, so I went to an emergency clinic to check on the status of my circulation.
They diagnosed me with tendinitis based on the specific areas where I was feeling pain. I am a student, so I started using my left hand for writing purposes.
About one week later, the same types of pain developed in my left hand, wrist, and elbow.
At this point both hands were in too much pain to use for anything. I couldn't even pick up a spoon to feed myself. A couple days after the left-hand, the pain spread deeply into my neck and back. A couple days after that, a throbbing sensation developed in my knees. I've had knee pain before, but never like this.
At one point, my fingertips turned very red, hot, and swollen. They were extremely sensitive to pressure and it felt as if I was being electrocuted.
I find it awfully weird that all of these symptoms would pop up all within the span of just a couple of weeks.
Here's some background information that might help you target the cause of all this...
1. I used to play sports year round when I was in high school. Before the pain started, I was running 3-6 miles and doing strength based workouts every other day.
2. I went vegetarian about three years ago, and I've been vegan for the last two. I eat a lot of fruit ,vegetables, nuts, grains, beans, legumes, and seeds.
Ever since the pain, i've been taking magnesium and B complex supplements daily.
3. I have narcolepsy with cataplexy. I have to take medicine at night to put me to sleep, and during the day to keep me awake. I asked my neurologist to see if my medications could be causing these issues, but she said she's never heard of such a reaction .
4. I am a face painter, I usually have six hour shifts. I normally take a lot of notes for school and I type a lot on my laptop.
5. My dad has neuropathy, and my mom has arthritis in her hands. But they didn't develop these conditions until their 50s. I just turned 20 a couple of months ago.
Do you think there could be an underlying cause for all of this?
Joshua Comments:Hello Phylicia.
1. A greyish tint? Really? (literally, not just being figurative?) and they just diagnosed you with 'tendonitis'??
'Greyish' is not good. But if nothing else, it's a clue.
Are you still greyish? If so, say more about that (who what how why
And swollen?? How swollen? More importantly, still swollen? If so, how swollen?
2. "I find it awfully weird that all of these symptoms would pop up all within the span of just a couple of weeks. "
I don't know if it's 'weird' per se, but again, that's some good clues.
3. "I asked my neurologist to see if my medications could be causing these issues, but she said she's never heard of such a reaction . "
*dramatic eye roll*
4. How long has the narcolepsy/cataplexy been going on?
How long the meds for such?
5. "My dad has neuropathy, and my mom has arthritis in her hands. But they didn't develop these conditions until their 50s."
It's a safe bet that both are suffering from nutritional insufficiency/deficiency. See below.
"I just turned 20 a couple of months ago."
It's a safe bet that you grew up inside their overall nutritionally insufficient lifestyle (It's endemic..your generation and the generation younger than you are 'the sickest' generations in a long while. There are plenty of societal/cultural reasons for that, of course.
No judgement, just assessing the how and why of why you are/might be hurting.
"Do you think there could be an underlying cause for all of this?"
Ultimately, your collapse into pain/problem is a nutritional insufficiency thing. Your body just doesn't have what it needs to operate properly/optimally, and then you go being athletic and your body does the best it can as long as it can until it can't.
Then it's a cascade/downward spiral into poorer and poorer function (which almost always includes increase in pain and decreased function).
I don't know much about narcolepsy or cataplexy, but I'm going to surmise that that puts some kind of increased 'stress' on your system. And stressors of all kinds (physical/emotional/mental) eats up various nutrition.
And you, like most people, have some amount of inflammation (systemic as well as local) at play, and that eats up nutrition.
And pain eats up nutrition. And worry eats up nutrition. And and and.
Maybe you have some
Leaky Gut depending on how you respond to wheat/grains (depending on what you eat/have eaten through your life...it can/does catch up to you 'later').
Sudden drop into all over tendonitis symptoms and/or joint pain? Nutritional insufficiency.
Neuropathy? First place to look is nutritional insufficiency.
Arthritis in hands? Nutritional insufficiency and/or tendonitis and/or some auto-immune response.
What Is Tendonitis?See:
Sudden Onset Joint PainSee:
Magnesium For TendonitisResponse/Comments/Questions?
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
Tendonitis Treatment That Works DVD's