My All Over Tendonitis problem
by Damien Y
(Vic, Aus)
I have tendonitis in my wrists, carpal, shoulders, knees, achillies and the foot.
I have seen tonnes of different types of healthcare people (eg, naturapath, massuer, physio) and I get a different answer from all about what caused this.
Any Ideas???
Joshua Answers:Hmmm, interesting.
I'll ask more questions, but here's a couple thoughts just from what you've told me.
1. It's incredibly unlikely that you have the damage kind of Tendonitis.
There are only
2 Types of Tendonitis, one with actual wear and tear damage, and one with inflammation and irritation without damage.
2. So if there is overall damage it is either from something like having taken a quinolone class antibiotic like
Levaquin or it's not the damage kind and...
3. It could very well be that you are severely Vitamin D deficient. One of the symptoms of Vit D deficiency is tendonitis like pain. I can point you to a blood spot test that comes in the mail and you mail back, and then you'll know exactly where your levels are.
For more info on Vit D (and the blood spot test too) check out the Vit D pages at
4. You could also be
Magnesium deficient. That could be playing a role.
It's possible I guess that you have some weird connective tissue disease, but that is rare and unlikely.
And I believe that heavy metal toxicity can cause this kind of pain.
But to an extent I'm just guessing till I have more information.
1. Please describe in detail exactly where you have pain.
2. Please describe in detail what the pain feels like, and when it shows up and what makes it worse or better.
3. Is the tendonitis pain constant or random or ?
4. How old are you?
5. Overall activity level?
6. How long has this been going on?
7. What did the other guys say?
8. Does anything that you've tried that they've suggested help?
9. Overall health?
I'm curious what you have going on. Answer the above questions, and let's narrow it down to the actual problem, and the actual cause, and then we'll know what best to do about it.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
Tendonitis Treatment That Works DVD's


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