(Sac, Ca)
wound after plantar fasciitis surgery
post foot surgery
purple divet where tissue was removed
I didn't think there was anyone out there like me that was in so much pain. I want to cry after that STUPID surgery back in June. I am in my 20's and I have kids that I have to take care of and they have me back at work.
I use a cane to walk and I can only walk for 15min's every hour. The doctor removed tissue when he did the surgery and never told me. I found out cuz I asked why is was PURPLE and hurt all the time plus it is sunk in.
I can't wear the night brace it hurts to much. I have fantom pain that just pops up when ever it wants and the meds's don't work.
The Doctor I have just brushes me off and tells me to ice it. THAT DOSEN'T HELP! I don't know what to do any more. I'm depressed most of the day. I can't spend time with my kids out side of the house cuz I can't walk and my Doctor won't give me a wheel chair.
My work still makes me walk for more then 15 mins a hour. I also have pain in my back onther foot, anke pain, ect. I'm sooo worried I'm going to have to live with this the rest of my life..
Tired and Scarred
Joshua Answers:Hi Sac.
OUCH! Sorry to hear all that.
Tendonitis can show up anywhere. It's a dynamic, consisting of multiple factors.
It can cause disabling pain. Doctors look at that and, ignorant of any treatment to effectively reverse the factors causing the problem, pull surgery out of their tiny toolbox.
This often can and does make things worse, from the physical insult of surgery to the aggravation of existing factors that caused the pain/problem in the first place.
What Is Tendonitis?You're in a world of fear and pain. Totally understandable.
How To Reduce Inflammation (with ice).
You MUST read
Magnesium for Tendonitis and get on what it says to do when following the Magnesium Dosage link at the bottom.
You MUST get your Vitamin D level up to between 50-80 ng/ml.
It wouldn't hurt to get my
'The Plantar Fasciitis Treatment That Works' DVD and the Quick Start Companion ebook that comes
with it. There's a lot of important to you information in there.
Having said that, I believe that your first and foremost action should be to check out
The ARPwave System. It's the big gun for this kind of situation. My dvd is good for A LOT of things and scenario, but you got hacked by your surgeon and you had all the physical problems that led to the surgery in the first place which are still there.
I believe your best chance to get out of pain quickly, and to not only heal but heal optimally, is with the ARPwave system. Nothing else is going to come close to doing what it can do.
My DVD is $40. It can help A LOT if you apply yourself. It's GREAT for reversing
Plantar Fasciitis, avoiding plantar fasciitis, and faster recoveries after
Plantar Fasciitis Surgery. Don't get me wrong, it's great (though I will still push you towards the ARPwave).
The ARPwave rental will cost you $3,300ish, you'll use it in your home daily for 50ish days. It can get a bit intense. But as I said, if you want to get out of pain sooner than later, and potentially very soon, this is the only option I can really recommend.
Go ahead and follow that link, then if you're interested fill out the form at the bottom of that page and ask me any questions.
Obviously there's a price difference between those to recommendations (don't forget to jump on the Magnesium and the Vitamin D), but/and the ARPwave can fix things I can't even begin to touch.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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Dec 11, 24 08:57 PM
Reversing DeQuervains Tendonitis is relatively simple to do when you know the RIGHT ways to actually make de quervains tendonitis go away.
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