Wrist Tendonitis and hand problem from dog walking
by Jean
(Modbury, England)
I have been walking my dog with my left hand on the leash. She has pulled a lot and I now think I have a severe tendonitis in my left hand. I can't turn on a tap or turn the wheel of the car over to the right. The outside of my palm is numb and the outside of my wrist is swollen. My little finger is also slightly numb.
I have used ice which works for a time and I have also tried a splint which feels good for a while, but as soon as I remove it the pain is back. I am resting the wrist as much as possible, just don't know what to do next.
Joshua Answers:Hi Jean.
I have some questions before I respond...
1. Big dog? Little dog?
2. Have you had pain/similar symptoms before? Ever?
3. Did it come on slow, or come on fast?
4. Is it a constant pain, or does it come and go, or only a flash of pain when you use it in certain ways?
5. Only on the one side?
6. Anything farther up the arm? Shoulder, neck?
7. How exactly have you been icing?
Let me know and let's get you feeling better.
Tendonitis is no joke, but is fully reversable.
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert