Orbital Tendonitis or Trochleitis?
by Laurie H.
Can you get tendonitis in the muscles around the eyes? I read there is a trochlea tendon above the eye. I have read of conditions called "Trochleitis" and "Temporal Tendonitis". Off and on for about 3 years, I get this uncomfortable sensation in my right eye socket & brow bone that occurs for many weeks and then goes away for a couple months. It comes and goes.
My eyeball does not have any pain. Just the surrounding tissue above the eyeball.
I feel it when I touch my face. It is underneath the brow bone & at the top of my eye socket. It's a sharp nerve sensation that hurts when I either lightly touch the skin or rub the area. Often it will spread to the area above my outer eyebrow on the forehead. When I push on my brow bone, the sharp nerve sensation will travel in a straight line to the back of my skull on the same side or travel to my ear or jaw on the same side as well.
Sometimes when it gets bad, the pain will shoot to my temple area travel to the back of my head down the back of my neck on that side. Squinting my eyes will also trigger this nerve pain.
If these are real tendonitis conditions, how do you treat it with cold an ice?
Joshua Answers:Hi Laurie.
Yikes. That's an odd pain...
So let's just assume that you have ruled out any eye or eye socket issues (medical issues I don't know anything about, nor even what they might be named other than 'tumor').
Who knows what could be going on in there. Make sure you get 'bad' things ruled out by the appropriate doctor.
Technically one could get tendonitis in there. Tightness, inflammation and irritation.
Tendonitis can show up anywhere there is any amount of tendon and muscle. The structures are small on the face, but it all works the same.
What Is Tendonitis?See:
Pain Causing DynamicYour pain symptoms don't match up like I would expect them to....though there's a lot of
nerve in the area, and that can equal a lot of different kinds of pain.
So, it could be Tendonitis, which Trochleitis essentially is.
There are a few options I would start with.
1. Get your Vitamin D levels up. We'll cover our nutritional bases with this and #2.
2. Supplement with
Magnesium for Tendonitis and B6 and B12 (methylcobalamin, not cyanocobalamin).
3. Rest a covered ice pack on the eyes for 1-2 minutes, repeat regularly. Don't let the eyes get too cold, obviously.
Not the best option in the world, but...
4. Rest your palms lightly over your eyes. Rest, relax, let the heat of your hands do it's thing.
Either that time or the next, add a little more weight. Again, rest, relax, etc.
This kind of counts as massage, but also calms the nervous system.
5. Depending on what happens with the Magnesium, we may have you get some magnesium oil, and rub that on the area. This can have great results, if the spasm/irritation is due to a magnesium issue.
While there may be inflammation, my sense is that icing isn't going to be the answer.
Try the above, and see what happens, and let me know, and we'll go from there if we need to.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
Tendonitis Treatment That Works DVD's


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