Bicep or Rotator Cuff Tendonitis, what should i do to get back to boxing??
hey, i'm 16 and i've had pain and loud clicking and grinding in both my shoulders for about three months now.
i went to an ortho after a month and he gave me an x-ray, said it was bicep or rotator cuff tendonitis, and told me to take a load of ibuprofen everyday.
i've stayed off my shoulders and rested but the ibuprofen deosn't seem to do anything. i'm taking bromelain and curcumin and doing pendalum exercises but nothing seems to help.
my shoulders get consistently worse every week. i just want to be able to go back to boxing and lifting weights.
thank you
Joshua Answers:Hi there.
Aside from the pain and
Shoulder Tendonitis symptoms, I bet your posture is way off, with your upper arms rotated inwards and your shoulders pulled forwards.
This is common for everyone, especially so for athletes. The muscles on the front are bigger and stronger than the muscles on the back, so the front pulls forwards and the back is lengthened and overworked.
This sets you up for problems if you're boxing, etc.
1. Strengthen the muscles on the back. With, for instance,
reverse fly's with somme outward rotation.
2. Ice massage as described on the
How To Reduce Inflammation page.
3. Start eating
Bone Broth as the best Tendon Supplements.
4. Poke around in the shoulder, find the tendons/hot spots, and start massaging anything that hurts, a little bit here and there throughout the day.
5. Make sure to take bromelain on an empty stomach, or it doesn't work.
That's a start. Get to that, then come back with questions and updates.
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And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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